Final Fantasy 14 Guide – A Guide to Final Fantasy 14 Archer Class

This is a Final Fantasy 14 Guide on Archers. They are masters of the bow, which appears to be a simple yet dangerous weapon when used with the proper skills. Archers deal projectile damage using techniques that will accurately hit targets from a distance. Archers’ ranged damage is on par with Disciplines of Magic.

Archers are mainly the ones that damage the party, but they also have other abilities that can help the party. In addition to dealing damage, they also have abilities to help other party members. An efficient archer knows how to handle his arrows, control his enmity, and draw monsters properly. Archers can be a liability at close range, but when positioned correctly and with a good selection of arrows, they can make all the difference in battle.

Final Fantasy 14 Guide on Archer continues with the different actions archers have in their arsenal to deal damage to their targets. These are:

Shot: One projectile damage with the use of a bow and arrow. Uses 25% of the Archer’s hit points.

Light Shot: Archer’s basic attack action that deals projectile damage with the use of the bow.

Close Shot – A projectile damage that also immobilizes the target.

Puncture: A powerful attack that pierces through other enemies between the archer and the target.

Wide Volley: This area attack damages the target and other enemies within the attack range. After use, the Archer’s attack power increases for a period of time.

Scouring Strike: This weakens the target, causing the attack power of the projectile damage dealt to the target to increase. The target also loses a buff due to this action.

Arrow Helix – This is an AOE attack that shoots arrows in all directions.

Quick Nock: A very fast attack that allows the archer to fire multiple arrows in a cone-shaped projection in the direction of the attack.

Archers also have abilities that can help them be more effective at dealing damage to their targets.
These are:

Multishot: This ability puts extra arrows on the archer’s next offensive action.

Raging Strike: Archer’s grip is strengthened by this ability, increasing the attack power of the next attack.

Reload: The quiver is refilled with arrows.

Suffocating Strike: This decreases the noise the archer’s bow makes and reduces the enmity generated by the next attack.

Hawkeye: The archer’s next attack has increased accuracy.

Shadowbind – The target’s shadow binds, rendering the target unable to move for a period of time.

Chameleon – Archer blends in with the surroundings and decreases enmity. This ability can be used continuously but consumes TP.

Replenish: Archer invokes the Renewal Blessing that consumes MP to recharge the projectile to the maximum amount.

Quick Stride: Gives the archer a temporary movement speed bonus.

Recovery: Archer uses HP to search for projectiles in the area.

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