February Forecast – Uranian Style Astrology

February 15, Mars is 22 1/2 from Neptune. The Sun is still close enough on Monday to help keep subversive actions well hidden. Uranus + Zeus = Saturn/Pluto, and it seems that sudden erratic behavior can create a financial downturn. Venus will be 22 1/2 from Hades, sex and financial scandals are hot topics right now.

On Tuesday, February 16, the Sun will be at 135° from Zeus, Sun + Mercury, Poseidon Saturn, and Mercury + Uranus = Nodes + Zeus = Poseidon. It’s a day of sudden irrational and independent thinking and youngsters can literally cause some fiery explosions. Venus, Jupiter is 22 1/2 from the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus, which unfortunately indicates frustration due to losing money.

As you can see, the transits are getting interesting.

Wednesday the 17th begins with Mercury + Mars = Sun, a day of angry confrontations. Be careful when driving in the morning, the driver’s mood and poor road conditions can lead to fender dents. Uranus + Saturn, Pluto = Jupiter and 30 minutes off the cardinal axis, bad financial news and loss will be felt by many, and that picture is not a good one.

February 18 has Uranus + Pluto = Jupiter a cardinal 0, noticing financial instability in the investment world that has everyone on edge. Neptune + Apollo = Mercury, news of embezzlement or other negative financial news can hit the air, especially late in the day when Venus will be 22 1/2 from Saturn and 0 mid-cardinal point, and Saturn + Apollo = Sun. This will be a day to stay in bed and away from reading and listening to the news.

Friday the 19th, begins with Sun + Saturn = Mars, and Mars + Admetos = Mercury. The news on the labor front is not good. In fact, it’s downright depressing. Later in the day, Venus moves at 22 1/2 from Saturn. The day begins with bad business news and ends with bad financial news. The global financial picture is unstable as Pluto + Uranus = 0 cardinal and 22 1/2 to Jupiter.

Saturday the 20th, the global financial picture is making headlines in the morning as Uranus + Pluto = Mercury on the cardinal axis. Not spending money is the name of the game today. The sun will be 22 1/2 to Poseidon, and the day should be spent relaxing and exploring your spiritual sense and well-being.

Sunday the 21st It’s a good thing it’s Sunday and the stock market is closed because today the midpoint of Saturn and Hades will be at 22 1/2 Jupiter, and that means a huge financial loss and downsizing. A feeling of sadness prevails, caused by some bad news like 0 cardinal + Saturn = Mercury.

Monday February 22, the bad news continues as Mercury will be at 135° from Saturn. The whole world is nervous about their investments as Cardinal 0 is still the midpoint of Pluto and Uranus.

Tuesday, February 23. Get together this morning with your own power plays and you have the potential to succeed in stopping the downtrend. The morning begins with Mercury + Pluto = Apollo and ends with Venus + Jupiter = Apollo.

Wednesday February 24, Mercury + Saturn = Pluto and Apollo, indicating that the optimism of the day before today is gone. Sun + Hades = Nodes, indicates a sad day, and separations can be in the charts.

Thursday February 25, the day begins with frustration as the Sun will be 22 1/2 from the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus, and Venus will be 22 1/2 from Admetos, which is the midpoint of Mercury and Neptune. The real estate market takes a downward turn. Jupiter is 22 1/2 from Pluto and Hades. Beware of financial dishonesty on this day. Check your receipts, credit cards and bank statements. In fact, review all of your bills very carefully.

On Friday, February 26, Mercury is square Neptune and there is a focus on negotiations. Venus + Neptune = Sun could mean romantic illusions or negotiations to exhibit great works of art. Or how about negotiations to keep important deceptive financial deals secret.

Saturday February 27, Mercury will be in conjunction with Neptune, + Venus = Sun and Jupiter, a day to be used for total relaxation. Point your mind in the direction of anything and everything that is pleasurable. Read a book, go to the movies, but don’t go shopping.

The full moon on February 28th sees the Sun conjunct Jupiter, and as many of you reading this know, full moons bring out the crazy. Jupiter conjunct the Sun can cause more craziness than usual. But at the same time, Jupiter also tells us to give up bad habits and we will get beneficial results. There is also Mercury + Zeus = Venus, this is good for creative activities, like listening to music, going to an art show, or working on an art project.

Come Monday March 1st, you’ll know the weekend is over as the Sun will be 22 1/2 from the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, and Jupiter + Vulcan = Saturn. Money problems are alive and well. Venus + Hades = Uranus indicates sudden financial irregularities. Retiring financially will prove to be better in the long run, at this point less is more.

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