Digital Scrapbooking: 3 Great Reasons To Get Started Today!

If you’re a scrapbooker, you owe it to your craft to try digital scrapbooking!

It’s an easy way to expand and enhance your creativity in new and exciting ways. Some traditional scrapbookers are hesitant to “go digital” because it looks so different from what they’re used to.

But fear not: scrapbooking digitally, while it may take a bit longer to learn, is worth the minimal effort. Plus, it’s not like he has to become a digital scrapbooking expert overnight. He starts small by making a small, simple digital photo album, then works his way up to a full-fledged storybook.

1. Save time. In the long run, once you get the hang of it, digital scrapbooking will be a huge time saver. You can produce wonderful memories in a very short time, memories you’ll be proud to share. And when you share them, you can email links to your photo creations.

The beauty of digital scrapbooking is that all the resources you need are literally at your fingertips. And if you want to scan a special design, poem, writing style, or any other embellishment, you can. So what you have scanned will be available to use again and again.

2. Save money. Of course, you love scrapbooking with paper, scissors, and glue. But all three cost money, especially the paper decorations and albums. And of course, you’re bursting with creativity, which can also get costly when you’re trying to bring all your ideas to life.

With digital scrapbooking, all you need is your computer, your photos, some artwork to scan, backgrounds and layouts to work with…and voila, you can have a beautiful keepsake for a fraction of the cost! And when you consider the gas money you’ll save driving to and from craft stores, well, that alone might make learning digital scrapbooking worthwhile.

3. You can make more scrapbooks. Combine numbers 1 and 2 above, and you’ve got more scrapbooks than you ever thought possible! Instead of spending hours on a single paper-and-scissors scrapbook arranging photos from an entire vacation, you can create individual scrapbooks for each person who went on vacation with you!

Instead of spending time driving from store to store looking for materials, you can simply upload your photos, scan your embellishments, and quickly create something beautiful that you and others will cherish for a lifetime.

Of course, digital scrapbooking will never replace traditional scrapbooking. Nobody would want that to happen. The beautiful scrapbooks that you create with your own hands are special, unique and have enormous value.

But digital scrapbooking has its place in the world of scrapbooking. And as you learn new techniques and tricks digitally, you’re sure to spark your creativity with your traditional scrapbooking.

So go ahead and try digital scrapbooking today. And get ready to be amazed at all the fun you’re going to have!

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