Consumer Credit VS Equity Credit: Exposing the Systematic Roots of Income Inequality

There is a BIG difference between CONSUMER CREDIT and EQUITY CREDIT. And understanding this difference will help readers understand why American income has been so unequally distributed, especially over the last four decades, and why the wealth gap between the few and the many threatens to undermine American democracy.

Consumer credit on the one hand, is easy to get. Fill out a few forms online, and unless you’re in real financial trouble, you’ll receive your own personalized plastic credit card along with all the accompanying paperwork (lots of fine print) within days.

With consumer credit in hand, you can buy anything from gas at the pump, to beer at the ballpark, to a college education (student loans sound familiar to anyone?). A consumer credit card company wants you to buy all sorts of things on credit (often at ridiculously high interest rates, formerly called usury), to pay back later, while racking up a mountain of debt that will allow the lender make it work for you. the rest of his days to pay off his debt to them.

In Contrast – Capital Credit…

Equity credit, on the other hand, allows you to purchase wealth-producing capital assets (i.e., land, machinery, buildings, corporate stock), to repay the loan at a reasonable rate until you own the asset outright and obtain all of the proceeds. financial benefits. of owning wealth-producing capital. Done right, the loan is repaid with FUTURE EARNINGS (ie dividends) rather than out of the borrower’s own pocket.

However, home equity credit is much harder to come by (try to buy a house at some point) than consumer credit. Generally speaking, borrowers must be able to show that they don’t need the money (meaning they have ample collateral to back the loan) before the lender will accept anything. The result is that most capital assets that build wealth and generate lucrative dividends for their owners are accessible to ONLY a small percentage of people: the 1% to 5% who can prove they don’t need the money.

Virtually everyone else is left out when it comes to accessing capital credit and owning wealth-producing capital assets. This is the basic reason for the wealth gap that has transformed American democracy into a 21st century American oligarchy.

Enter Kelso and Adler.

Enter a gentleman named Louis O Kelso, who in 1958 published a book called “The Capitalist Manifesto,” in which he (and co-author Mortimer Adler) suggested that all American citizens should have access to capital credit with which to buy wealth producing capital assets at reasonable interest rates and, in the process, actively participating in (rather than being left out of) the highly productive free market economy of the United States.

Such a strategy, according to Kelso and Adler, would democratize a free market economy. Such a strategy would maintain the private property essence of the free market while avoiding the monopolistic tendencies that have historically undermined political democracy in laissez-faire capitalist economies. In other words, it would save the free market from its own historical tendencies toward self-destruction.

By democratizing the free market (while creating much demand through a second “investment income” for every citizen*) and systematically narrowing the evil wealth gap, Kelso and Adler predicted an even greater economic expansion than followed Abraham. The Lincoln Homestead Act of 1863, which gave every American citizen 160 acres of land (a type of capital asset that produces wealth), if they were willing to care for it. But where the earth is finite, business opportunities and corporations (as well as economic possibilities) are endless.

The oligarchs succeeded in marginalizing Kelso/Adler

However, the oligarchs have managed to control the revolutionary ideas of Kelso and Adler and, to this day, most of the public thinks that there are ONLY 2 options when it comes to economics. There is the historically right-wing, free-market, laissez-faire capitalist approach of the Republicans. And there is the historically left-leaning, pro-union approach of the Democrats.

The right pushes tough individualism and personal responsibility, while the left pushes enlightened self-interest that recognizes we’re all in this together. According to conventional wisdom, the political pendulum swings between these two poles and, in the process, the Kelso/Adler recipe has been effectively ignored by the “free press.”

Enter the Homesteading Capital Law

But that doesn’t mean the “property economy” is dead and gone. Instead, over the past half century, thousands of employee-owned businesses (ESOPS) and worker-owned cooperatives have sprung up across the country. When done for the right reasons (not to rescue a failing airline), these examples democratize the conventionally despotic corporate plantation.

Professor Rick Wolfe, Dr. Guy Alperovitz, and Dr. Ted Howard are unabashed and vocal advocates of worker-owned cooperatives based on the Spanish Mandragon model. Outbreaks of this can be found in places like Cleveland, Ohio (the Evergreen cooperative) and Jackson Mississippi (championed by the now-late Mayor Chokwe Lamumba).**

And a hardy gang of renegades known as the Center for Economic and Social Justice, led by Dr. Norm Kurland, has developed and introduced the Capital Homestead Act, which exchanges land for capital assets and, in the process, gives everyone US citizens access to capital credits (according to Adler/Kelso). The Capital Homestead Act is built on a foundation of PRIVATE PROPERTY that those on the right will applaud. However, it also accounts for the fact that WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, which those on the left will applaud. In other words, the Capital Homestead Act takes the best of both sides and merges them into a 21st century idea whose time has come.

Equity credit: an idea whose time has come

In any case, the time has come for an alternative solution because the arguments of the conventional right and those of the conventional left have missed the mark when it comes to empowering individual citizens, recognizing that we really are all in this together, and when it comes to democratizing a free market economy. The property economy is the key to the future for anyone who really wants a political democracy.

*Second income is generated from distributed dividends, NOT from taking a second job.

** Rutgers University also offers its annual Louis O Kelso Fellowship, which provides scholars from across the country with some experience in this unique line of thought.

In reality, people all over the world are interested in the concept of property economics, as exemplified by the Global Justice Movement and presentations by internationally renowned scholars such as Professor Stefano Zamagni.

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