Chad Waterbury’s 10-10 Transformation Training and Nutritional System

Looking for a complete body transformation but not sure what to do to exercise and diet? Do you have 12 weeks to commit to something that will change your appearance forever? If you want to turn that pear shape into a V shape with ripped abs, I recommend you check out my experience with Chad Waterbury’s 10/10 Makeover.

The first thing I have to say is that I am a huge fan of Chad Waterbury. He publishes excellent training programs with his cutting-edge theories on muscle building and recovery. He’s been the new guy on the block for the last two years, but he’s quickly gained notoriety because his shows do something very important. They produce real and noticeable results!

Before I continue, let me give you a quick bio of their website so you know this is not your run-of-the-mill trainer:

Chad is a neurophysiologist and author.

His training methods are used by a wide range of athletes, bodybuilders, models, and fitness enthusiasts.

Chad is the director of strength and conditioning at Rickson Gracie Int. Jiu Jitsu Center in Los Angeles.

Chad is a regular contributor to the T-Muscle bodybuilding website.

Chad has a master’s degree in physiology from the University of Arizona.

Chad focused there on the neurophysiology of human movement and performance. This led him to make radical changes in the way he trains competitive athletes. His workouts are now shorter and faster, producing superior results in strength, power and muscle development.

His e-book, 10/10 Transformation, is a remarkable triumph of new muscle technology put to work. It is designed for you to gain 10 pounds of muscle and lose 10 pounds of fat in 12 weeks. Your body weight will be exactly the same, but you’ll look completely different if you lose a few inches from your waist and add 10 pounds of pure muscle to your physique. If you can shrink your waist while strengthening your upper body, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make to your appearance.

The 10/10 Makeover has several elements that appealed to me. As a fitness enthusiast, I am always looking for a great routine that gives real visible results. Standard routines and diets are just plain boring. The 10/10 mixes everything with challenge and change at all times. It includes a daily diet, daily exercise routine, supplement regimen, and tips for success. It’s a very easy program to follow, but you have to be ready to commit to some grueling workouts. The program is divided into four separate three-week programs. Your body won’t be able to fully adapt to this, which means you’ll get consistent results for the full 12 weeks. The first three weeks are fat loss, followed by 3 weeks of muscle gain, 3 more weeks of fat loss, and the last 3 weeks of muscle gain to put the finishing touch on your body.

By focusing exclusively on burning fat or gaining muscle during each 3-week period, you can maximize your results, keep your body off guard, and keep your mind fresh without getting bored. During the 3-week body fat phases, you’ll do 3 full-body workouts during the week that vary rest, rep, and weight load. I did them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They only last about 35 minutes, but by the end you’ll be sweaty and exhausted. These workouts build muscle and burn fat. You need to have some conditioning under your belt to tackle these workouts because they will kick your ass. The other two days of the week you do a 20 minute HIIT cardio session. The total time spent in the gym is about 3 hours throughout the week. That’s not a long time to lose 5 pounds of fat and get stronger at the same time! During my first 3 weeks I was a bit sloppy with the diet eating 3-4 cheat meals per week instead of the prescribed 2 (yes you can have cheat meals, pizza for me!) By the end of the first 3 weeks I lost 1 inch off my waist while gaining 2 pounds on the scale. I found that every inch of my waist equals 4-5 pounds of fat, so I lost about 4 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of lean body weight. The difference in my physique was dramatic. You might be thinking that’s a lot of mass to gain but I started using the creation for those 3 weeks and usually my muscle cells volumize and I gain exactly 6-7lbs once it’s in my system so it was right on target. I lost about 5 pounds and my muscles had more volume thanks to the creatine.

I went right into the muscle-building phase, which is a nice change of pace. Waterbury uses something very radical called HFT or High Frequency Training. I trained each muscle about 5 times a week. The weight, reps, sets, and rest periods are changed every workout to keep your body guessing and allow the separate pathways in your muscles to recover. I gained an impressive 8 pounds in 3 weeks. It hurt a lot the first week, but I got used to it. Part of my success was sticking very closely to his diet, which recommended a lot of BCAAs for the entire 3 weeks. High protein, supplemented BCAAs, and intense workouts for 3 weeks put on slabs of muscle fast. There are no cardio exercises during the 3 weeks because the body needs all its time to rest.

After those 6 weeks I already had a great transformation in my body, so the book was already worth it. I completed the transformation and I can tell you that it lives up to its name. The 3 week fat burning starter program is so effective that I have used that segment only 3 more times over the course of the year when I want to lose 5-6 pounds fast and gain some muscle.

If you are looking for something that is extremely effective at losing fat and gaining muscle, I highly recommend the 10/10 workout. The diet plan is simple to follow and easy enough for someone who doesn’t have time to cook or prepare meals. He lays out every detail in this simple book and leaves nothing to chance. The other thing I liked was that you now have 4 routines that you can use at any time. If you want to lose fat, you can do one of the two workouts to burn fat or, on the other hand, gain muscle with one of the two 3-week muscle gaining routines.

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