Caique Parrot Care – 5 tips for caring for your pet Caique Bird

Caique Parrots are charming little parrots with lively personalities that make them wonderful companion birds. Here are 5 tips for caring for your bird so it can live a long and healthy life with you and your family.


food-Since caiques are known for their love of food, starting with this tip seems very appropriate. They need fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, some table food, and a high-quality pellet mix as a supplement. Change the water as many times as necessary to keep it fresh. This will reduce mold growth and infections that can result from ingesting mold. When feeding fresh food, be sure to remove the food from the cage after several hours for the same reason.


Cage-Although they are small, they are quite active and do best when they can move freely in the cage. Bigger is always better when it comes to cage size, but a minimum size should be 24″ tall by 24″ wide by 24″ deep. Since they are avid climbers, horizontal bars will be greatly appreciated for their Avoid metals that are toxic to birds, and make sure your cage is certified bird-proof.Wooden cages should also be avoided, as they love to chew, and you’ll soon find your bird has escaped by chewing through the bars of a wooden cage.The cage keeps your pet happy and can prevent undesirable behaviors from developing due to boredom.


Interaction-These parrots love people and need people to love them. They can benefit from at least an hour a day of human interaction. They should be closely supervised as they are fearless little birds and can easily get into things they shouldn’t. Go slowly and supervise carefully when introducing other pets. Never leave a child alone and unsupervised with the bird. Small children can unintentionally frighten or make the bird feel threatened, and you can easily prevent a disaster by being there when your Caique is exercising outside of the cage.


Training-Caiques respond well to training. Most can learn to speak, do tricks, and whistle songs. And once these skills have been honed, they are more than willing to take center stage and perform for you, your family, and your friends. Training sessions should be short and daily if possible. Always reward your bird and finish before your bird’s attention span decreases. Remember that training isn’t just to teach your bird something new, it’s a great way to continue to bond with your Caique. Make it a moment your bird looks forward to.


Preserving your Health-With proper care, these parrots have been known to live up to 30 years. Like many parrots, they are susceptible to airborne diseases and infections, such as psittacosis and other respiratory illnesses, unless their air is kept clean. Since captive birds are subject to much more dander, feather particles, and other contaminants found in many homes, filtering their air will keep their airways clearer, keep them healthier, and ultimately increase their lifespan .

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