Add a search cloud to your website

One of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your
website is through search engines. and how much traffic
what you get will be based on how high you appear in search
engine ratings. Therefore, it is important that you spend part of your
marketing time trying to improve your search engine
classifications. There are many ways to do this, but the main two
ways are changing the text on your website and increasing
the links to your website. You also have to look at the
real links on your website – make sure you link to your
important pages and use good anchor text (which is the
text in which your link appears, for example, a link to might appear as “blue widgets”, so “blue
widgets is the anchor text”). A great way to optimize your
internal linking is to use a “search cloud”.

So what is a search cloud? It is similar to a “tag cloud”.
It’s basically a big list of phrases, with the individual
sentences that vary in size. Each phrase represents a search.
term someone searched for, and then clicked and
visited your site. And the size of individual sentences.
shows how many people searched for individual terms, if
a lot of people search (and click) on a specific phrase,
then that sentence will appear larger than the other sentences
in the search cloud.

Search clouds help with search engine rankings. One of the
The factors on the page that search engines use are your
links – used to see what YOU think your site is
about. A search cloud helps with this, because it gives you
internal links for phrases you are already ranking for
good by- and the additional internal links will hopefully help
you to rank even higher.

This can be shown with an example… Suppose you have a
widget website, and ranks on the first page for “green
widget”. When people search for “green widget” and click on
the link to your site, the search cloud will add “green
widget” to the cloud and link to the page “green widget”
on your website. Now you have more links to the green
widget page, which will help you rank higher for “green

There are other benefits to searching the clouds as well. They can
Help drive your customers to your most important pages. Yew
someone searches for “red widget” and then sees that the
the biggest phrase in their search cloud is “blue widgets”,
they instantly know your site is popular for blue
widgets, and you can go and visit the page. Look for clouds too
encourage visitors to explore your, which will help
Increase average page views per visitor. this can mean
more income, either in the form of additional sales, or
more advertising revenue.

You can usually quite easily add a search cloud to your
website. If you’re interested, I have a PHP based search
cloud, called “Simple Search Cloud”. It is easy to install,
and it won’t cost you anything. You can download it from:

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