About Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy

Our sense of smell is the strongest compared to all the others. We associate certain smells with things we like and also with those we don’t. The primary response that humans have towards pleasant odors has been studied by researchers in the field of Alternative Medicine. Alternative Medicine uses methods beyond the conventional to cure various diseases among people. This science has the advantage of having less or no side effects during the treatment of an individual as there are drug uses.

Alternative Medicine has developed remedies for almost all foods based on simple and surprising substances. Who could have thought that simply smelling an aroma can cure us of our illness? This branch of alternative medicine is called aromatherapy. As unusual as this is hydrotherapy. Yes, as the name suggests, hydrotherapy uses water to rid the body of unwanted agents and disease-causing microbes.

Both Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy are techniques based on Mind-Body Intervention methods. They are both very effective at what they do. Not many of us know much about these two relatively new techniques,

A brief description is provided here to familiarize you with them:

Aromatherapy uses volatile plant materials, called essential oils, in order to alter a person’s mood or health. Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have the quality of providing both physical and psychological benefits when used correctly. Essential oils are highly concentrated and should not be used directly. They mix to make a ‘synergy’.
In addition to essential oils, aromatherapy also uses other natural ingredients, such as cold-pressed vegetable oils, herbs, powdered milk, sea salts, clays, and mud.

Aromatherapy can be performed in two ways: By direct inhalation of the aroma or by topical application in the form of baths, massages, compresses, etc.

Inhaling directly is the best mode as it effectively relieves the body of all respiratory tract problems. It affects the nervous system as the scent triggers a reaction in the brain that results in relief of the psychological mood. Topical applications are applied to the skin and absorbed into the bloodstream. Massage blends made up of aromatic oils that help reduce muscle aches, pains and migraines. Having an aromatic bath will speed up the healing of skin disorders; reduce stress levels and increase circulation and blood flow. Using compresses to apply aromatic salts to the body will also benefit the affected area. This method is used to treat muscle aches, varicose veins, sprains, menstrual cramps, and respiratory congestion.

We are made of 80% water, and based on this fact, studies have revealed that water can be used effectively to cure the human body of various diseases.

Since drinking water is a universal solvent, it significantly helps in the removal of waste products that accumulate in the human body under certain circumstances and cause permanent injury.

Hydrotherapy is used as physiotherapy to treat people with severe injuries and muscle atrophy. Hydrotherapy is also used for people who suffer from joint problems or serious physical disabilities.

Hydrotherapy can be used in various ways in baths such as hot, cold, neutral, sitz baths, sauna, etc. While cold baths improve blood flow to tissues and reduce swelling, steam baths are effective at opening skin pores and cooling the body. Sitz baths are used for the treatment of broken skin and for ailments affecting the genital and urinary organs. Sprays can be given for a number of disorders and a neutral bath is best for relaxation and a sedative effect as it is similar in temperature to the body and this has a healing influence on the nervous system and hormonal system.

Hydrotherapy and aromatherapy are very effective and have absolutely no side effects in their use. With little practice you can do both techniques.

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