What is renewable energy?

What exactly is renewable energy? The world was shocked by what happened to the nuclear power plant at Fukushima Daiichi after the great earthquake in the east followed by a tsunami had barely hit Japan. Everyone was waiting to understand the extent of the global effects of that terrible disaster. At one extreme, it has generated global awareness and understanding on the issue of alternative energy. For quite some time, we have heard that the earth’s supply of fossil fuels is already running out, not to mention its effects on global warming with the production of greenhouse gases.

Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, agricultural residues, firewood, tides, rain, plant growth, heat generated from deep in the earth, and even heat. discarded waste. Solar energy is energy generated by the sun. Hydropower is energy generated from water. The ocean thermal is the energy of waves and tidal waves. Geothermal energy is the energy of magma, hot and dry rocks, natural geysers, and water springs. Biomass becomes a source of energy when burned. Biomass is animal manure, biodegradable waste from cities, firewood and crop residues. All of these sources are renewable, which means they are naturally occurring and constantly replenished. They cannot run out or run out. They are available locally and cause less emissions. The use of this energy reduces chemical, radioactive and thermal pollution. Sixteen percent of the world’s energy consumption comes from renewable sources. It practically replaces conventional fuels in different areas such as electricity generation, hot water / heating, motor fuels and rural energy services.

The question of what renewable energy is also raised concerns about climate change. Aside from that concern, there are steadily rising oil prices and peak oil. Government support from various countries around the world has prompted increased legislation, subsidies, incentives, and their commercialization of renewable energy. They are looking into this to reduce our dependence on oil and other polluting fossil fuels. The International Energy Agency with its projection for 2011 includes that within the next fifty years, solar power generators will produce most of the world’s electricity. This will dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions that harm our environment.

Due to its sustainability, its sources can be trusted for many years. We will enjoy a more profitable and efficient energy. Renewable energy is also known as green energy. These environmentally friendly energy sources are basically non-polluting compared to fossil fuels like oil, as they do not emit toxic waste or produce greenhouse gases.

Looking ahead, we will hear more and more about what renewable energy is. Solutions to ever-increasing energy bill problems and awareness of global change will pave the way for us to take small but safe steps to become energy efficient in our community.

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