Bedroom design: French style furniture

‘French’ style furniture and room design are all the rage right now and this is especially true in the bedroom. It’s smooth, romantic, and very achievable once you know how to do it!

If you’ve made the decision (for whatever reason) to stick with your existing furniture, it can be very easy to transform it by painting it with an eggshell paint and then grinding it down by sanding certain areas down to the natural wood, usually edges, handles, and all the places where I would naturally see that they are used. Swap the handles for wooden knobs, wallpaper on the back of the dressers, and stencil on a few French words. Finally, you could add trim to finish off the look.

If your cabinets can’t be repaired, then why not indulge yourself and invest in some built-in wardrobes with sliding doors. Brilliant for storage, they can also be placed in any awkward space and best of all, there are plenty of styles to choose from so there is sure to be one to complement your new ‘French’ look.

For wall colors, cream is probably the best option as it provides classic warmth and will show off any specially chosen pieces such as mirrors very well. Bare floorboards complement this style and painting them will probably work best; choose cream, light blue or gray to complement the scheme. Smooth, full curtains with carefully selected back straps will frame your windows and give a feeling of Parisian luxury!

If you have a beautiful French-style bed or have renovated your old one using the transformation instructions above, this is where you can really have fun! Why not treat yourself to a new duvet cover? There are many French style designs available at affordable prices. Choosing a classic pattern, like a cream backing with delicately painted taupe flowers, will really help bring the room together. Patterned and textured cushions, blankets, and bed runners will also help create the illusion.

Accessories are also important to the overall look. How about hanging the word “love” or “amour” above the bed, with a typical French painting on top? Delicate lamps and handmade mirror frames will look beautiful with other furniture. Lastly, hang a few hearts from the hooks and drawer handles.

Top off the room with a chandelier and a French-style chair in the corner of the room covered with a blanket and some cushions. You now have a French-style bedroom that is affordable and achievable.

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