Silver is a real wealth!

What are Engelhard Bars and Johnson Matthey Bars? What are rounds? What are specialty bars? There is no need to worry, all questions will be answered.

The aforementioned bars are silver bars. These bars are minted in various weights, providing great convenience and easy storage. The rondas, or actually the silver rounds, are coins minted by private mints. The specialty bars are geared towards the interests of current collectors. An example could be a bar or a series of bars with military heroes or another theme, such as cars or airplanes. While these coins are typically minted in one-ounce weights, the bars can range from one ounce to 1000 ounces.

The value of silver is rising with a volatile short-term view. The appreciation in the medium and long term is significantly higher than that of gold. In the short term, silver exponentially outperforms gold. However, the shortage will cause the price to rise. We constantly use more of this limited resource than is mined.

Silver is poised to produce a whole new class of thousands of items. I define thousands as people who never had more than $ 99,000 in the bank, who now have more than $ 99,000 in the bank. These thousands are created because they bought before the price went up. These thousands will give way to millionaires and possibly some billionaires.

Industries that depend on silver are struggling to find reliable suppliers. The investing consumer must compete with this fact. The fluctuating price of silver facilitates increased profits. In percentage terms, silver compared to gold has a higher exponential growth rate. When silver supply and demand collide, you could possibly double or triple your earnings. Now is the time to buy if you want to be a silver flipper. Currently, the price is about $ 18 an ounce, while gold is around $ 950 an ounce.

Silver can be an industrial or monetary metal. This competition has facilitated the deficit of this metal during the last 15 years. Above ground stocks are running out. Demand for existing stocks will continue to result in higher prices. To compensate for this deficit, it is necessary to turn to investors. In order for investors to sell their offering on the market, the price must appreciate. This produces the perfect environment for the market to appreciate.

As governments generate debt through liabilities and entitlement programs, more paper money is produced to service those debts. There will be a hangover after the party. The days of the undisputed supremacy of the dollar are over. This is not pessimism folks, these are the facts.

To finish, you can consider the inverse relationship of gold and silver as follows. Gold is a giant community size pool and Silver is the kiddy pool next to it. A small amount of water overflowing from the large community pool into the children’s pools will cause the children’s pool to rise. As more and more people shift their resources from the large fund to the small one, the price of silver will increase.

Stay ahead of the game and buy what you can in the form of coins or bullion. It doesn’t matter what you choose. Just make one purchase. Just make sure you stay ahead of the game.

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