Pregnancy after 40 is not dangerous if the necessary precautions are taken

My mother always wondered how famous women postpone their delivery until they are 40 years old. I have heard medical professionals over the years claim that 30 years is the ideal for a woman to give birth to healthy children. Down syndrome and birth defects are on the list of possibilities if one has to have a child after the age of 35. But medical technology has been reaching new heights with new research and concepts adapted for the well-being of humanity. It has made the impossible possible and women who have not had the opportunity to have children in their 30s can now think about having children in their 40s too. Lifestyle choices must also be considered as one may have to rely on assisted instruments to conceive in their 40s.

Let’s understand what can make pregnancy after 40 possible:

Although pregnancy is possible after 40, it is obvious that you have complications during a pregnancy before 40 and 30 years. It is always suggested that one should have it as soon as possible.

Make a pre-consultation before pregnancy: Consider all the possibilities for a healthy conception. Discuss with the caregiver possible complications and ways to get rid of them. Get a conception action plan or learn about fertility options available. One thing should be kept in mind: having children after 40 should receive special attention and is not as common as it is before 40. The doctor may request the necessary investigations to make sure that you are capable of giving birth to child. Have your health professional assess your chances of getting pregnant. Understand the risk of congenital chromosome abnormalities in babies if the pregnancy is after the age of 40.

Be aware of pregnancy-induced hypertension and diabetes: Hypertension is likely during pregnancy and the risk intensifies with increasing age. Blood pressure must be monitored continuously and the doctor may prescribe some medications and a special diet to keep the pressure under control. If left untreated, this can lead to preeclampsia.

Gestational hypertension is a condition induced by pregnancy and is more likely with increasing age. If left untreated, it can be fatal, leading to a larger baby. Therefore, it is essential that blood sugar is under control with a regimen of exercise and a healthy diet. You may even have medication to keep your diabetes under control.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle even before conception: Living a healthy life even before pregnancy increases your chances of getting pregnant. A healthy diet with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and higher amounts of protein along with a good exercise regimen will keep you fit for impending conception. Quit alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse if you like them, as they greatly reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

Know the conditions after conception.: According to the March of Dines, older women are more likely to have premature births, miscarriages, stillbirths, placenta previa, etc. They may also have a tendency to bleed more after childbirth compared to younger women. Women in their 40s do not produce fresh eggs and the number of eggs in them is decided genetically when they are born. So the older you get, the older the eggs are. However, sometimes women after 40 can also have a delivery without complications and it can be easy too.

Older women are likely to be comparatively more inactive than younger women in raising babies, infants, and toddlers. If you are mentally and physically prepared to deal with all of these conditions, you can go ahead and plan a pregnancy with the help of your doctor. It must be remembered that close follow-up is essential to have a safe pregnancy and a safe delivery to be a mother. Keeping all these aspects under control will surely avoid a mishap and you will be able to have a healthy baby despite your age.

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