Seven tips to optimize your results with the Maxiglide straightening iron

Sleek, sleek hair is as appealing now as ever, which is why the popularity of ceramic hair straighteners, like the Maxiglide straightener, is greater now than ever. Getting the best results with the Maxiglide straightener requires following some basic rules just like any other hair styling tool. Here are seven rules I follow to achieve the best results with Maxiglide.

  1. If you have washed and conditioned your hair, make sure it is completely dry before using the Maxiglide straightener. There are differing opinions on whether a flat iron works best on damp or dry hair. Personally, I’ve gotten better results with flat irons on dry hair. So that’s my recommendation as a general rule.
  2. Straighten hair in sections. Pin your hair up and work your hair into sections. This will help achieve a more even application. You’ll maintain more control and work through any difficult areas if you focus on small sections of hair instead of trying to make quick, wide strokes to cover more ground in less time. Make sure you work evenly and that each area of ​​your hair receives the same amount of flat iron.
  3. Thoroughly brush each section of hair before using the Maxiglide straightener. Your hair should be free of tangles and knots as much as possible. Even though you have the benefit of Maxiglide’s detangling pins, don’t neglect some real brushing. Pre-brushing minimizes the chance of snagging tangled hair that some women have commented on Maxiglide.
  4. Use the correct temperature setting. Maxiglide allows you to adjust the temperature according to the type and texture of the hair. Fine hair or hair that has been chemically treated should use a lower temperature setting (1-4). Coarse, coarse hair should use the highest setting (5-10). Applying the proper amount of heat straightens hair while minimizing hair damage.
  5. There have been more than a few complaints about detangling pins snagging and breaking hair. Avoid clamping and squeezing plates. Ceramic plates and detangling pins will do the work for you. So loosen your grip and be gentle with her hair. If the problem persists, switch to the flat plate and apply a detangling spray.
  6. Protect your scalp from burns. Never use the burst of steam feature with less than 3 inches or 10 centimeters of hair to work with. The steam shot system for which the Maxiglide iron is known is very useful for smoothing dry, frizzy and brittle hair. Administering one or two bursts of steam is usually enough to soften the hair. Another safety tip: keep your fingers away from the edges of the iron when applying steam.
  7. The other reported complaint against the Maxiglide hair straightener is that the results are short-lived, especially in humid climates, and that the hair has a way of puffing up or puffing up. If your hair goes into rapid decompression soon after using Maxiglide, use a detangling shampoo and conditioner that has a moisturizing effect on the hair and apply a defrizzing product or hairspray such as Tresemme hairspray.

Using the Maxiglide straightener for the first time may seem intimidating, but you’ll get the hang of it with every use. Following these tips will maximize your results and prevent problems with the Maxiglide straightener.

Maxiglide seems to work better on certain hair types than others, and in the end, your own experience with Maxiglide will largely depend on your hair type and texture. If you’ve followed the recommended steps and still don’t see the results you expected, contact Maxiglide Support for a refund.

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