Life in the workplace, post-Covid

Post-COVID pandemic, as many states move from the red zone to the yellow zone, many will re-assimilate into their office space, warehouse, restaurant, etc. previous. While some will return (hopefully) with a new attitude and a positive outlook on life, there will be others who will bring their same old negative traits. To do?

NOW is a good time to ‘nip those problems in the bud’, as the saying goes. Face them head-on, without hesitation. It would certainly be nice to give people the chance to once again become a member of your team. But keep in mind that it’s also a disservice (to those who are the opposite of negativity) when you don’t exercise your right to properly discipline those who cause friction in the workplace. In fact, it is an affront to everyone who follows the rules.

This puts the responsibility squarely on those in leadership positions. It is the duty of management to ensure that the workplace is safe and tolerable; Otherwise, the workplace suffers, good employees leave, and you’ll be left with what’s left. Ask yourself: is this the workplace I want to be a part of?

So let’s say (for the sake of discussion) that you’re ready to speak up, take charge, and ensure that the workplace IS a safe and tolerable space for you and your staff members. Where should I start and how? Below are four recommendations The Cohesive Workplace suggests you implement immediately. These will serve as reminders to your staff as to why they decided to work with you in the first place:

one. OFFICIALLY welcome back your staff members. Use your ‘welcome’ to acknowledge that we’ve all been through a tough time and that you look forward to overcoming those challenges together…as a team. Not addressing the “pink elephant in the room” would be insensitive, especially if any of your staff members were affected in any way during the pandemic.

two. Start on a positive note. Let’s not repeat any negative workplace incidence before COVID. Make it official: we start from scratch! While serious violations can’t (and shouldn’t) be ignored, let your staff know you’re ‘not worrying about the little things’. Life is too short to be undone by minor irritants. Your business, as well as your employees, are worth more.

3. Keep an open door policy (up to a point). Trust us: Your staff members are still scared…of COVID, their future with the company, and other issues they might face at home. Remind them that you are in their corner. While he may not be able to solve all your problems, he is a trusted advocate and listening ear who can perhaps offer a positive word (or two) of advice. Your door is open, in case you need to vent.

Four. Create opportunities for advancement. Without a doubt, in addition to salary, the opportunity for advancement within your company is the highest priority! It sends a clear signal of where you stand within the company when that company is looking for a candidate outside of their own ranks, especially when their own employees are qualified! That ‘signal’ is negative. He yells, “We don’t value you as an employee!” Once that message permeates the air, it’s hard to get it back. Protests often follow (albeit silent) and eventually everyone in the workplace is miserable. If you haven’t already implemented an internal promotions program, NOW is a good time to start.

These are just FOUR benchmarks to consider, if you haven’t already, which will, in turn, create a positive and lasting effect on your employees while increasing productivity. (Can you say “win-win”?)

There are more topics to follow, such as: the need for autonomy at work; review your pay scale; offer a healthy dietary lifestyle in the workplace; and many others. And we hope to cover each one and more.

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Here is your success!

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