5 tips for doing fun things with kids when you’re too tired to plan

Given the challenges of homework, extracurricular activities, doctor visits, shopping for clothes, housework, bath time, and your own work schedule and household responsibilities, it can be hard to find the time and energy to plan a family out of the ordinary. Fun activities or things to do with children who are very special.

Fortunately, there are options you can consider that have enough “something different” to make both you and your kids happy, but they’re not so complicated that they require a lot of planning, thought, and effort up front.

So before you give up exhaustion and settle in for one more night of playing Candy Crush on your smartphone while the kids watch TV, consider one of these 5 alternative scenarios.

Family sleepovers

When your tired mom or dad needs to put something together at the last minute, try a sleepover party for the whole family. Have your kids bring their sleeping bags or blankets and pillows into the living room, order some pizza and watch their favorite movie, and boom, you’ve got an event.

If you have ice cream or popcorn on hand, add them to the mix as snacks and desserts to really give your kids an extra treat. Finish the evening by turning off the lights, taking out the lanterns and candles, and telling spooky but fun urban legends, fantasy tales, or family stories “before you were born.”

Shows with dinner

Whether it’s a movie at a theater or live entertainment, dinner shows are perfect options for nights when you want to have a special outing but just don’t have the time or energy to put something together. Everything is integrated: the place, the food and the activity, and you only have to go to one place and make a purchase for this to happen. Also, there is no cleaning afterwards. You can just sit back and watch your kids have fun (and enjoy the fun yourself) while someone else does all the work.

Walks to the park

If the weather is nice, a park expedition may be the ideal ticket when you’re looking for fun things to do with kids that are easy and stress-free. Grab your bug spray, pack the kids in the car, stop by their favorite takeout spot, and head to the park for a quick picnic. Afterward, release the children to play while you relax and watch on a park bench.

Driving / Traveling by train

Pile everyone into the car, put some of your favorite songs on the radio, and head somewhere where you can see a little landscape: a country road, a picturesque town nearby, a part of your own town that you don’t visit much. You can keep the exit lively by pointing out landmarks to your children, singing, or playing mini-versions of the alphabet game; then end the activity by stopping somewhere for ice cream before heading home.

Another variation on this idea, if you live in a place with at least some public transportation, is to hop on the train and take a leisurely ride without a particular destination in mind. Along the way, you can talk about the different cities or parts of the city that you pass by, and maybe skip a time or two at different stops and take a look. Either way, by train or car, your kids will probably be delighted with the novelty of riding their bikes and seeing the sights with no specific purpose in mind, and with the opportunity to have an unfocused but fun conversation with mom and / or or dad.

Say goodbye:

Do you know that aunt, uncle, grandfather or best friend who is always bugging you to let them babysit? Well, why not accept their offer? Sometimes the funniest things to do with kids are the activities you do for them, but they don’t really involve you, as a surprise, a fun last-minute outing with one of their favorite adults alongside mom or dad.

While Aunt Jenna or Grandpa Dave are happily entertaining the kids at the last minute, you can use the time to do some chores, pay the bills, or just sit in a quiet house for a few hours and read or watch TV. When your children return from their surprise last-minute outing, they will likely be full of glowing stories that they can share with you before bed or at the breakfast table the next morning.

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