How to shave male pubic hair

By now you must have heard about pubic hair shaving for men and how women prefer men to keep it trimmed there.

Shaving your pubic hair not only gives it a more hygienic look and feel, it also makes it look bigger – it’s practically an optical inch added to its length.

I even did some research online to see if women really wanted men to shave their private parts. I asked on Yahoo Answers, Yedda and several other question and answer sites and the answers are similar. Women prefer men who shave their pubic hair or at least keep it trimmed.

If you have a partner, I’m sure he would appreciate it if you would shave his pubic hair and he will be glad you don’t have a furry monster down there.

So how do you go about shaving your pubic hair? The number one tip and the most important tip I always give when it comes to shaving male pubic hair is this: don’t use a razor, don’t use an electric razor, don’t use anything sharp or made to shave your face.

So you might be wondering, what should you use to shave your private Ryan? Well, with so much technology and advancements in tools, it was only a matter of time until the inventors focused on making something so that men could shave their pubic area with ease. His invention is called the Philips Norelco Bodygroom.

I was lucky that Philips sent mine to review, and trust me, I would never use anything but the Bodygroom to shave my precious.

That is basically the only advice you need. With Bodygroom you can’t go wrong, no cuts, no accidents. You might feel a bit of a “pull”, especially if you have a jungle in there, so start by cutting back first and zoom in.

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