HPV and Cervical Cancer: How Much Do You Really Know?

“I want to be one less, one less!” Is this song permanently lodged in your brain? Do the words “tell someone” have a new meaning? You have the pharmaceutical company Merck to thank. These taglines are from their commercials that aim to raise awareness of the link between HPV and cervical cancer and Merck’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

Before this connection was discovered, we did not know what caused cervical cancer and the only way to know if you had it was through a Pap test. Kim, 43, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. Throughout her treatment, HPV was not mentioned and it wasn’t until years later (after beating the cancer) that she realized the cause. “I didn’t even know HPV caused cervical cancer until I saw those commercials; my doctor didn’t even tell me when I had it,” says Kim. “I had never heard of HPV until commercials and I read an article about it and I was like, ‘Oh, I guess that’s what I had.’

Many women don’t know much about HPV until it affects them, although up to 80 percent will get HPV at some point in their lives.

In a 2005 National Health Information Trends Survey, only 40 percent of the women surveyed had heard of HPV and less than 20 percent knew that it could cause cervical cancer. Think back to 2005, before the commercials entered your consciousness, how much did you know about HPV? Probably nothing, which is scary, considering that about 10 women die of cervical cancer in the United States every day, according to the American Cancer Society.

There are women who develop cervical cancer who have only had one partner and women who have had multiple partners. Discovering the link between a virus and cervical cancer is extraordinary, but it should not lead people to believe that those who develop cervical cancer were reckless about their sexual health. Here are some facts about HPV and cervical cancer that the 30-second TV commercials don’t include, but you should know:

1. What are the ways I can get HPV? HPV can be contracted through almost any sexual contact, sometimes even orally. Condoms reduce the risk by about 70 percent, but since any genital contact can spread HPV, skin that is not covered by a condom puts you at risk. Most people with HPV have no symptoms. This means that virtually anyone, from your husband to your one-night stand, could transmit HPV.

2. What strains of HPV cause cervical cancer? There are about a hundred different types of HPV, but only a few cause cancer. Most cases go away on their own without treatment. Gardasil protects against types 16 and 18, which cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and types 6 and 11, which are responsible for about 90 percent of genital wart cases.

3. How can I protect myself against HPV and cervical cancer? Condoms can help protect against HPV and the Gardasil vaccine will be of great help against it as long as you do not have the strains that cause cervical cancer.

The American Cancer Society describes other risk factors for getting HPV and also for developing cervical cancer. They include smoking (which weakens your immune system), having sex at a young age, many sexual partners, a partner who has had many partners, sex with uncircumcised men, HIV or chlamydia, poor diet, or a family history of neck cancer uterine. Doctors say that women won’t get cervical cancer without first getting HPV, so the best line of defense is not getting HPV at all.

4. What about the HPV vaccine? Gardasil was approved by the FDA for girls ages 9 to 26. They recommend getting vaccinated before being sexually active, as the longer you wait, the more likely it is that you already have HPV. The vaccine is given in three separate injections over six months and costs $ 360, not including the cost of the doctor’s office visit. Most insurance companies cover the costs, but check before you get vaccinated. Merck also has a plan for qualified women to get vaccinated for free. So if you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover it, talk to your doctor about this program. Many Planned Parenthood centers also offer Gardasil, and the price will depend on your insurance coverage.

5. I am over 26 years old, can I still get vaccinated? Right now, Gardasil is only approved for women ages 9-26, so your insurance company likely won’t cover it if you’re older than 26. More tests are being carried out for other age groups, so they could be expanded in the future. Talk to your doctor if you are over the age of 26 and still interested in getting vaccinated to find out if he or she will vaccinate you.

6. I already have HPV, so Gardasil won’t help me, right? There are actually many strains of HPV, so even if you know you already have it, talk to your doctor because you can still get protection against the other cancer-causing strains with Gardasil.

7. I only sleep with one person. I don’t need to get vaccinated, right? It’s not a bad idea. It is quite possible that your husband or boyfriend passed on HPV to you from a previous relationship. Also, I know we hate thinking about these possibilities, but Gardasil can be helpful if your partner is cheating on you or someone with HPV rapes you.

8. What is the downside of Gardasil? There are some negatives to this vaccine that you should consider. First, there may be side effects such as pain or swelling at the injection site, nausea, fever, or dizziness. However, the side effects are quite rare. Also, since the vaccine does not protect against all types of cervical cancer, you should still have regular Pap tests (so you don’t have to say goodbye to your annual gynecologist appointments). Gardasil also does not protect against any other STDs, so protection is still very much needed during sexual intercourse and will not eliminate an existing HPV infection or cervical cancer. The high cost of the vaccine can also be a problem, so be sure to talk to your insurance company and your doctor to find out how much it will cost before you get the injection.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons of the HPV vaccine, but hopefully now you can with a little more information than a Tell Someone commercial provides.

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