Daycare Fundraising – Don’ts!

A daycare fundraiser, in essence, is no different from the other fundraisers organized by various groups and societies. However, some of the tactics that work for typical fundraising activities don’t work for daycare fundraisers. This is due to an important factor in nursery fundraising – the children. Regardless of whether the children are indirectly or largely involved in the nursery fundraising effort, they will be present at the activity. After all, fundraising for nurseries is done primarily for the sake of children. Therefore, it is inevitable that a daycare fundraiser organizer takes them into account when preparing and planning the activity.

Appropriate topic

First, the daycare fundraising ideas that the organizers will employ should be appropriate for children. Basically, the event should be kid-friendly; that is, everyone, regardless of age, can attend the event. For example, a common idea for fundraising is auction dates. This idea is a hit in high schools and colleges, and even at community fundraisers. However, for a fundraising idea for a nursery, it is not appropriate. To find out if the nursery fundraising idea is appropriate for the event, potential event attendees and potential donors must first be considered. If the topic does not fit the interests and needs of these people, then it is clear that the idea will not fit in the fundraiser for day care centers.

The nursery fundraising plan should also be simple or, if it is not, there should be tasks simple enough that the nursery children can have a chance to participate in the event. This factor should depend on the participation of the children. If the organizers have decided to get the kids involved, the activity and fundraiser should be easy, like a bake sale.

Appropriate content

After the theme, the organizers of the daycare fundraiser should consider the content of the event. For example, at a sale, organizers should strive to ensure that everything for sale is appropriate for everyone, regardless of age. If someone sells magazines or DVDs at the event, make sure everything is for all ages. This factor is important even if the nursery children will not be participating in the event at all. Remember that parents are the primary focus of daycare fundraising activities. When they go to the event, they will likely bring their children and family. Therefore, they will certainly be discouraged if they see materials that are inappropriate for children. This will not only affect fundraising, but also the image of the nursery itself.

Daycare centers should also avoid directly soliciting donations. In any case, this should be difficult to achieve as only those who are involved with the daycare (parents who drop off their children at the center) will be primarily concerned with donating. And yet, they won’t offer extra money so easily, even for donations. Asking daycare clients for more money for the service is also not appropriate and effective. Both of these tactics can be tempting to employ, but they deliver poor results. So try a fundraiser and watch the necessary funds arrive.

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