Understanding adolescent enuresis is difficult for everyone in the family

Bedwetting in teens is common among teens. Many times even a 14 year old can start to experience a wet bed at night. This problem of not being able to control urination during sleep is scientifically known as enuresis. In most cases, adolescent enuresis is more common in boys than girls.

Bedwetting can be classified into two main types: primary and secondary. A person who had a primary nocturnal enuresis had persistent involuntary urination during sleep, since he was a baby. A person with this condition may never experience a dry night.

Whereas in secondary nocturnal enuresis, the problem only develops after several months or even several years after he or she grows from being a baby. Secondary nocturnal enuresis is the main reason, in most cases of adolescent enuresis.

It has different factors depending on its type. For primary bedwetting, the most common reasons for adolescent bedwetting are genetic predisposition. This means that their parents had a similar problem when they were children; and he just inherits it from his parents.

In most cases of primary nocturnal enuresis, sleep disturbances or deep sleep habits are also identified as one of the reasons adolescents wet the bed at night.

Stress during adolescence is strongly suspected of causing secondary nocturnal enuresis. Adolescent enuresis is also related to psychological problems. Also, having a urinary tract infection can lead to a secondary episode of nocturnal enuresis.

Bedwetting patients are advised to reduce their fluid intake before bed to avoid a bladder swarm. They are also advised to use the bathroom before going to bed to reduce the chance of bed-wetting.

A person who wets the bed is not lazy or undisciplined. These people are just finding some problem in their body that needs to be treated by a doctor. Most teens with this type of problem will eventually outgrow this condition over time.

Your doctor can treat bed-wetting; Treatment may vary depending on the cause of the bedwetting. Sometimes there are also behavioral approaches that can be used in treating urinary incontinence.

In some cases, adolescent bedwetting treatment is a combined process of mild medication, behavior modifications, and reduction of mental stresses that help a person control bedwetting.

Bedwetting is not an obstacle to your life. Do not let this condition affect you or the life of your loved one. Take control and manage it. Don’t hide from the shame and let it control you.

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