circle of assassins

A uniquely thought-provoking book and certainly not an everyday mystery, but one that I will be thinking about for some time.

An ad is placed in the newspaper titled Revenge is Sweet! The contact is A at a PO Box. After sorting all the responses, A finds five strangers who are willing to eliminate an unwanted person for another stranger. In return, the killer hopes that his unwanted person will be eliminated.

Circle members are identified by the letters A, B, C, D, and E. Each person is color-coded, as well as detailed instructions on various ways to commit murder, how to make sure you’ve covered your tracks, and how to make sure Let no one find out your identity.

Each chapter is identified by a letter or, in some cases, by a name. You will be reading the instructions given by A, as well as details about each individual in their own words, laying out the reason why they want to rid the world of one person.

There are also some before and after chapters that explain the feelings of the murderers before they actually commit the crime and after the crime has been committed.

Victims actually talk to you, prior to your passing of course, regarding their feelings about your life and your friends and loved ones, if they have any.

I took a different approach to this book than I normally do when reading a book. I took notes. I had a small notepad that listed all the letters, colors, and names as I discovered them while reading the book. I wrote down who the victims would be with the appropriate letter and color. This wasn’t very time consuming and took up a small page, but I thought it would really give me an idea of ​​what was going on and who was doing what and that there would be no surprises for me.

Wrong again! When I got to the end of the book I had one surprise after another. Things I didn’t see coming even though I thought I had it all figured out.

I totally enjoyed this book and loved reading about the different murderers and their victims. The killer’s reaction after the event took place was truly revealing.

The conclusion was surprising as far as I was concerned. This is Tales From the Back Page No. 2. I barely finished the last page until I ordered Who Gets The Apartment, which is Tales From the Back Page No. 1. I understand that Steven Rigolosi will have a third book in 2008 and I can’t wait for it. asking for it.

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