The four stages of the diet

One question many people ask me is do I still care about what I eat? I’m afraid of getting big again and now I only eat sawdust and salad to stay slim? The answer, I’m pleased to say, is that now I eat normally like other thin people do. I have many different types of food, some classified as healthy and some classified as junk food. The reality is that I have now found my moderation and it has become a way of life for me. I’m also not afraid of getting big again, as I enjoy being skinny and value my health too much to overeat and gain weight.

But getting to the stage where you’re just skinny and not having to diet or struggle with your weight is a journey, but understanding where you are on that journey is a good sign that you’re headed in the right direction.

So the four stages of being skinny, in order, are…

1. Happy Big – This is when you just eat without worrying about the consequences or realizing it’s even bad for you. It is when you do not realize that you are putting your health at risk and do not think about reducing or eating fewer calories. It’s an ignorant state where if someone mentions that you’re overweight, you’d be shocked by the statement and wouldn’t mind doing anything about it.

2. Sad Big – This is when you know you are big and want to do something about it, you punish yourself, you plan to diet, you plan to lose weight but then you take no action to do it. You beat yourself up that you are big and to cheer yourself up you eat more and you get into a vicious circle. You start a diet on a Monday and break it by Wednesday and then fight to get back on the diet bandwagon.

3. Sad Slim – This is when you managed to lose weight but “held it in.” Maybe you’re skinny but you obsess over what you eat, you’re afraid of getting big again, you’re skinny but somehow you’re not happy. You step on the scale all the time after a big meal and you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. You diet during the week to allow yourself to overindulge or eat too much and then try not to eat for a while to undo the damage. You can quote the calories in the most common foods.

4. Happy Slim: You’re just busy doing something more interesting, you eat healthy foods without actively thinking about it, and you’re just happy to be slim. He no longer pays attention to diet books or worries about his weight and simply moderates his lifestyle so that he can continue to enjoy food without abusing it. You are really happy with what you see in the mirror and you like yourself.

What stage are you in now? Really? Are you slim or do you still have some weight to lose? Is it still about the food?

By reading this article, you should have moved on from the first stage, as whoever Happy Big is wouldn’t know they have a problem and therefore wouldn’t be reading this. And he won’t be Happy Slim because he wouldn’t be interested in weight if it wasn’t a problem and therefore he’s overweight and sad about it, or he’s skinny and struggling to stay that way.

Now that’s absolutely fine!! It means that you are human, that you are making your way down a path on a mission to Happy Slim.

When I first reached my goal weight, I was very sad and skinny. He was just obsessed with what he could eat and used to calculate the calories in everything and try to keep them low. It worked for a while, but it’s a very exhausting way to live your life if you can’t buy a sandwich without looking at the number of grams of fat per 100g and finding out if the calories are low enough. Eventually you will just give up.

So my point is to check where you are. It doesn’t matter where you are, but it does matter that you realize where you are and that you have a plan to move down that path and take the necessary steps to get there.

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