10 Types of Internet Dating for Picky Women

Where have all the good men gone? If like 3 out of 4 women have recently left the relative safety of a marriage and joined the army of single people, she’ll soon realize that good men are hard to find. It seems that anyone who might have been left has already been captured.

But let’s be positive. Suppose there are still a good one or two lurking around. But how exactly does a single woman meet new men?

It is certainly not easy, even without children. Single women can’t just go to the venue for a glass of wine. Well, they might be able to get away with it at lunchtime if they have a copy of a glossy magazine to flip through at the same time, so it’s not too obvious that they’re looking for the talent, but it doesn’t work at night. Single woman sitting alone looks sad, hard, lonely, desperate or working. No one looks and thinks ‘Oh, there’s a lovely lady trying to make a social life for herself.’ They think, ‘Oh God, she looks at that. She must not look. Is she a prostitute or has she been stood up?

So is internet dating the answer? How risky is it? And how do you know that his profile isn’t just a collection of lies he made up to sound cool? The short answer is that you need to develop an awareness of the type of men out there and stick to two rules.

The first rule is: always stay safe and never meet for a first date at his house or allow him to enter yours. And the second is: never send money to anyone you have developed a relationship with over the internet, as it will always be a scam (see type 10).

To help you find the man of your dreams, well, okay, we’ll settle for someone who’s presentable and not scary, watch out for these 10 Typical Types of Men You Regularly Encounter on the Internet.

1) Mr Young and Clueless – Usually in the 18-29 age range, this young man is looking for women willing to help them on their way. These guys tend to be socially shy and inexperienced or sometimes of Asian descent where they are not educated on how to be comfortable with women or approach them face to face. This guy will often reach out to older women online, as they feel that an experienced woman will know what to do and will be a willing and understanding teacher. If you like education, this type might be for you.

2) The Lone Ranger: These guys are insecure and have had rejection in the past, but they tend not to hang out with peers who can help them get through it. They’re not hardened yet, but they prefer to keep their dating forays private. They tend to seem a bit reserved and may not give a lot of detail in their profile, not because they have something to hide (as some do) but because they are self-protective. Unfortunately, their fear of getting hurt means that it is often difficult for them to open up emotionally and remain closed to any real closeness. Communication is not this man’s strong suit and misunderstandings are likely to hinder the chances of a meaningful relationship developing. If you like frustration, this guy will fit the bill.

3) Mr. Serial Shagger – We all know this guy deludes himself with inflated opinions about his own convenience. This guy may well exhibit this immature behavior for most of his adult life, so the question to ask yourself is, “Do I want to become another body that he has sex with?” The younger versions have energy and can be fun and charismatic and can show you a good time before you get into bed. But beware of older versions who tire, over time they tend to develop a disrespectful view of women and don’t bother with courtesies that cost money, like taking her out to dinner. An encounter with this type of man is likely to make you feel used. Be careful.

4) Mr Still Available – This group has had romantic successes in the past, but now they tend to be in situations where they don’t come into contact with many women. They may be in male-dominated jobs, they may be shift workers who work weekends or nights, or they may work outside the home on a regular basis. These guys can be good partners as long as you can be flexible to accommodate their work patterns and dedication to their jobs. They have often been alone for long periods of time and therefore may have developed routine lives that they see no need to interrupt, even for you. Despite being reasonably intelligent men, it takes them a while to grasp the fact that if they want a relationship with you, they have to make time for it, which in turn means they have to give up something they did before. Patience is required with these guys.

5) Mr Comfort Seeker – This group has just broken up and is nowhere near ready to meet someone else as the luggage they are carrying would weigh more than a dump truck full of bricks. He’ll latch on to the first reasonably attractive woman to have him, and the poor woman who accepts him will spend all of her energy sorting him out. Then, once she’s taking shape, he usually leaves her for someone else. A woman who is considering settling for this type of dynamic in a relationship should want more for herself.

6) Mr. Rigid Man – This guy has usually never been married or been married for a long time and hasn’t met anyone suitable since. He can often be seen accompanying his mother on outings. His profile will indicate that he is looking for someone much younger because in his head he hasn’t aged, but someone needs to buy him a nose trimmer for Christmas. He is strict with his money because his mother has warned him that girls only want one thing. Only for girls with a big heart.

7) Mr. Buggered – There are many of this type. Usually he is over 45, still paying for the kids and ex-wife and looks like he has done 3 rounds with the heavyweight champion of the world. He is exhausted and is of no use to any self-respecting woman. If women are dumb enough to get involved with these guys, they’re going to have to get used to being considered fourth or fifth in line after him, the kids, the ex-wife, and the dog. Once you’ve been there, you won’t want to do it again.

8) Mr No-Hoper: This man is usually unemployed and feels that life has been difficult for him. He’s looking for sympathy and a beer, if you’re paying. Usually, he is slightly depressed or at least has a negative and hopeless outlook on life. However, his dearest wish is that a fairy (you are his potential fairy) come and wave a magic wand and make his life happy. If he’s not happy, then less miserable than he currently is. Avoid this type at all costs as no woman has that much energy to waste!

9) Mr. Married: Internet dating sites are overrun with this group. Deceptive and evasive, they just jump from one unconscious woman to another fucking as they go. But you also have to beware of the lazy variety that just wants a ‘spare’ in the background. He doesn’t have the time or energy to juggle continuous disappointments, so the lazy married man makes do with one: you. Don’t expect lavish displays of affection or quality time outside of the bedroom, as this guy will only feed his mistress enough crumbs to keep her from starving and leaving him. Not for the healthy woman, but for those who do not want to gain weight or have low self-esteem: perfect.

10) Mr Romantic Scammer: This one tells us that we are beautiful and just the kind of woman he has been looking for all his life. He talks about the wonderful future that he can imagine with you. In almost every way he seems like the ideal man (except, perhaps, his spelling and his fear of God… but these are minor details). At last, we have found someone who will appreciate the love we can offer. Then before you know it, he’s waiting for us to send him money because he’s been robbed or his son has been hit by a bus and he needs surgery to save his legs. EEEEK! If he sounds too good to be true, he’s a con man and his target is you. Kick off your heels girl and run for the hills!


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