Top secret of how to revive the BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch

Dear guitarists, let me quote from my previous article about my BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch, which I almost discarded if it doesn’t work normally as it should. Quote:

The BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch I’m telling you about has to end its service for me in two ways: First, I’ll give it one last chance by pulling a direct wire to an external ground source. If the loud tinnitus can be cured this way, I’ll keep it. If not, then you need to move on to the second final option: you have to go to the trash. Cross out the store where I bought it and I’ll call another friend whose music store is now getting famous in town for a new BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch.

I called him up for a new BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch, it wasn’t there, one of his shopkeepers replied. I pass the request on to him and he gets a shocking response that the BOSS PSM-5 Power Supply and Master Switch are discontinued. What is the newest version then? Nothing, we have a better option which is a more powerful adapter plus a power supply to drive your pedals. What about the Master Switch function? You can’t, you have to turn the pedals on/off individually… click! I hang up my phone before he finishes his words. What the hell is he talking about?

After calming down, I took a look at my legendary BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch and started to think. If it has to end this way, so be it. Let the past be past. Before I said goodbye to him, Professor J’s last words before leaving his place flashed through my mind and rang in my ears.

  • “This system relies on just this one point as its ground connection…”
  • “This system relies on just this one point as its ground connection…”
  • “This system relies on just this one point as its ground connection…”

I hope you can clearly see this slightly out of focus image of my BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch showing a thin flat washer and nut I removed from the Amp output socket. Those should be the exact points of these nuts that drive me crazy! That is exactly the point that “Professor J” showed me that night. They are supposed to build good surface-to-surface contact with the 1/4 mono jack on each of the BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch amp and guitar output jacks. I wish I had a better camera with me to take a macro shot of the rotten rusty surfaces and edges of these nuts.

The little red straw is a rust remover spray. I washed all the output plugs of the power supply and the master switch and the BOSS PSM-5 guitar with a rust-removing agent and wiped them clean with tissue paper about 3 minutes later. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the threaded section, rust and dirt hide perfectly. I gently rubbed the thin nut and flat washer on extra-fine sandpaper soaked in liquid rust remover. I don’t have to show you what a melted rust looks like, do I? Repeat the steps twice, reassemble, plug the BOSS PSM-5 power supply and master switch back into your BCB 5 gig case, plug in Leo Fender’s handmade G&L, turn on my Peavey Bandit, and let the BOSS PSM-5 power supply and Master Switch determines its own faith.

I slowly turned up the volume knob and wondered for a second if things were getting worse because I wasn’t hearing anything through the speaker. I was surprised that it was in the 9 o’clock position and heard a fairly soft hiss like a snoring kitten. Instead of the buzzing noise it used to be a bark.

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