Why Role Playing With Your Kids Is A Great Idea

Role-playing is one of those topics that most have opinions about, even if it’s just a general feeling of “that’s weird” when you hear someone talk about it. I’d like to share why I think role-playing with your kids can be a great way to create quality time and show them that actions have consequences.

Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, when I say “RPG,” I mean No mean any of the following:

  • Anything computer based
  • dress up like a vampire
  • Crawling through steam tunnels
  • Or any of the other negative stereotypes you’ve probably heard of

What I mean is sitting around a table interacting with your children. No computers, no TVs, nothing but you and your kids having fun pretending to be other people.

This is the general idea: you create a setting that you think your children will enjoy. Talking to them to find out what they would enjoy is a great way to start the process. A script is like a movie. There is a problem to solve, some opposition to overcome, and consequences for failure. If your kids are fans of action movies, offer them a setting that plays like an action movie. If they’re a comedy fan, give them a comedic setting.

Your children will create characters to play on stage. These characters must make sense in the context of the setting. A Viking warrior in a modern action setting is pointless, unless the setting has time travel elements. These characters are your children’s way of exploring the setting. Your children describe what they want their characters to do, and you describe what happens, using the rules of the game system as necessary. Don’t be afraid to let their actions have consequences! In particular, if they mess up and the world is destroyed (or whatever the penalty for failing the scenario is), it allows the world to be destroyed.

The reward of role-playing with your children is huge. Your kids can explore real-world conflicts through proxies, and thus can explore the consequences of their characters’ actions without real consequences for themselves. However, your children will take the fate of their characters seriously. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to subtly impart moral guidance. Your children may ignore you when you give them personal advice, no matter how good it is, but if they see their characters suffer due to poorly chosen actions, then they Will make connections between those actions and the consequences that will carry over into their own lives. You don’t need to be, and shouldn’t be, heavy-handed about this, just allow it to unfold naturally.

When you’re just starting out, the variety of role-playing systems available can be overwhelming. There are some systems that are more suitable for children and some designed specifically for children. Some of the best options are: The Kingdom of the Princes, fairy taleY Zo’s Fox.

You and your children may feel awkward at first, pretending to be someone else. Remember that the confidence built in this type of activity will carry over to the rest of their lives.

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