Are you having trouble getting your baby to sleep through the night?

The first day you bring your newborn baby home, you are excited and ready for restless nights. You know that the baby will wake up in the middle of the night to feed. You have learned this from countless parenting stories.

You accept this situation during the first months of the baby’s life. However, after a while, you start to wonder, when will the baby start to sleep through the night? How can you help your baby sleep better at night?

Each baby comes with their own nightwear. However, in general, babies should be able to sleep through the night by around 9 months. That is just a guide. However, expect each baby to be unique.

The best thing to do is establish a bedtime routine. Many mothers swear by the importance of this if they want to avoid bedtime problems. Natural instincts make us hold our babies until they fall asleep before putting them in the crib. But you know what? Instead, you should do the opposite. Put your baby awake at bedtime. Well, not really awake, but sleepy. This will help them learn to fall asleep on their own. This is the key to regaining restful sleep. If babies learn to fall asleep on their own, they can fall asleep again if they wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.

Having a video baby monitor is very helpful when training your baby to sleep alone. You don’t want to keep running to your baby’s side every time he lets out a little moan. With the video monitor, you can see why the baby is crying. Perhaps the baby’s pacifier fell off or is spitting up milk. You can tell if you need to rush to the room right away, or you can wait a few minutes to see if the baby goes back to sleep. A video monitor will help you assess the situation.

Some experts say wait 15 minutes if the baby wakes up and cries. If he doesn’t go back to sleep in 15 minutes, go in there to comfort him and pat him to get him back to sleep. However, maintain a sleeping environment. Don’t turn on the bright lights. A night light should be sufficient.

Babies wake up in the middle of the night for different reasons. Don’t dwell too long on training the baby to sleep and miss the real reason for the awakenings. Feeling that you need to discipline the baby and teach him to be more independent will create more stress for the baby and for you. Here are some reasons why the baby could be waking up.

– Check the temperature. Make sure the baby is not crying because he is hot or cold.

– The baby can get teeth and that is uncomfortable.

– The baby is going through a growth spurt and is hungry.

– Maybe something in the environment is bothering you, such as a glaring street light or street noise.

– The baby is going through a developmental stage such as learning to roll over, crawl or walk.

– The baby experiences separation anxiety. She wants to be attached to you 24 hours a day.

I know you want your baby to learn to sleep through the night as quickly as possible so that you too can go back to sleep. You may need to teach your baby new sleep habits. Don’t forget that you have to give your baby time to unlearn old bad habits. Just be patient and remember that every baby is different. Do your best, but don’t try too hard.

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