lysine supplements

The amino acid lysine is known as a dietary supplement that has incredible health benefits. Although it is a common amino acid, found in many foods, it has only been shown to be effective as a healing dietary supplement when taken in concentrated forms when a physical disorder needs to be corrected.

Lysine has been used to help horses and other animals firm muscles because it is an agent in muscle development. Athletes or others who may have had surgery or who are recovering from injuries to their bones and muscles have shown that adding lysine as a supplement will increase the rate of healing. Lysine brings a rush of blood to the injured area of ​​the body. Since it acts almost immediately to attack any wound in the body, it has also been used as a treatment for herpes viral infections.

Since lysine is an amino acid, a good food source is meat and dairy products. Vegetarians may show signs of slow growth, stunting, and other disorders related to a lack of this vital amino acid in their diet. A word of caution about taking lysine supplements is that you are already taking prescription medications for the infection. Lysine supplementation with the prescription drug may make you feel dizzy or light-headed as it is a powerful blood-thinning agent almost as powerful as garlic.

A good point to remember is that if the tomato was considered the apple of love or an aphrodisiac, lysine supplements can be seen as the fountain of youth in encapsulated form. The older you get, the more lysine you can ingest without side effects.

Lysine directly affects all the organs in the body that store a large volume of blood, such as the kidneys and liver. If you have a kidney infection, the lysine will target that part of your body as it will also act on your liver. The recommended dosage should be followed and any health problems should be taken under the consent of your treating doctor.

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