Help your downlines and be successful

Hello Friends, It is an exciting experience for me, and it fills my heart with joy when I tell you that helping your downline is something that gives you immense pleasure and encourages me to work harder and fulfill my dreams and above all Dreams. of my downlines…guess how????

The answer is simple: helping others. Make your downline successful and you will be successful.

dreams: I’m sure we all dream of a better house, a nice car, a better education for our children, a good bank account, better health for our family, etc., right? In the network marketing company achieving this is quite simple; all you need to do is HELP your downlines first understand what they want out of life, then motivate and guide them all the way – don’t let go of your hand until they achieve what they aspire to!

goals: Once you understand the vision and dreams of your business partners, the next step would be to sit down with them and discuss the actions to take to realize those dreams, in short, help them set a GOAL! You want to make sure that it is a practical and clearly written goal as a reminder to you and your downlines to work towards the goal. The best way to achieve this would be to put it on the dream board in your room, mark it in bold and keep checking back, this is a very efficient tool to help you work towards your goals.

Continue Comments: This is very important as it keeps your prospect focused and motivated. From time to time, remind them of their goal and help them come up with a plan. Remind them of the wonderful things that await them. Use your example to show them how the company has changed your life.

Appreciation and Thanks: Appreciate your downline for the efforts made by them; use positive language and applaud their efforts. Thank the company for its system, its friendly market plans. A little message to your downlines once a week could motivate them to work for the next level and show them that you as an upline are always there to support and guide them.

Attend Webinar and Business Knowledge: Teach your downlines to attend all webinars regularly. Having full knowledge of the business is essential, it is the surest way to achieve success.

Qualities of a leader: Show the qualities of a leader and make sure your downlines inspire your prospects and help them achieve their dreams. This is a key to building your network to work as a team. No matter how big your team is, everyone needs to work together and help cross lines as well. This quality of helping your crosslines will enhance your positive reputation among your successful lines.

be positive in life: If the ideas above have changed my life, I’m sure they can change yours too!

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