Tips for driving a dune buggy

When you think of driving a buggy, you most likely think of having fun. You think of being off the road, perhaps on a beach driving along the coast and through the dunes. Perhaps you think of warm spring evenings and hot summer days in the sun, driving together with a friend or two, through meadows and fields.

All that is very good; however, many dune buggy drivers don’t always think much about being safe when driving their dune buggy. Every year, there are people who go to emergency rooms due to buggy related accidents. These people are the drivers and passengers of the buggies, or they may be innocent bystanders who happened to be near where the buggy was being driven.

To try to avoid possible mishaps when you have fun with your buggy, keep these driving tips in mind:

Remember that dune buggies are legal road vehicles and should be treated as such. Whenever there is even the slightest chance that other vehicles are nearby, drive defensively, assuming other vehicles cannot see your dune buggy This is because dune buggies are low to the ground and often invisible to other drivers, especially around corners.

“Wear seat belts at all times in your buggy. You never know when you’ll have to slam on the brakes, and you don’t want your body slamming into the frame of your buggy.

“Sand dunes exist to protect the land from storms. Plants are the building blocks of sand dunes, and are easily killed by any vehicle. Drive only between sand dunes, never drive or park on top of sand dunes. sand.

“Every year, many shorebird eggs and chicks that nest in the soft sand near shore are crushed and killed. Stay on the harder sand to avoid these shorebird nests. Also, avoid driving near flocks of birds.” on the beach -or any other animal on the beach, for that matter Staying away from the shore will also mean avoiding shellfish beds that are close to the water.

“When driving on a beach, be careful to stay in vehicle paths. This will not only help you avoid sand dunes, shorebirds, and shellfish, but it will also help you stay away from pedestrians who may be using the beach.

“Don’t make sharp turns at any kind of high speed as this can easily cause your buggy to tip over. This can happen on almost any type of terrain you may be driving on.

“Even if you drive much slower in your buggy, drinking and driving is never acceptable. You’re still in control of a motorized vehicle, so if you’ve had something to drink, don’t get behind the wheel at that point.” everyone.

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