African gray parrot breeding

African gray parrots are extremely famous birds and these birds are widely kept as pets. The rearing of African gray parrots is a process that helps bird breeders increase their family of birds without buying these precious birds from the market. People want to know how African gray parrots can be raised. Successful African gray parrot breeding requires care on many levels and a careful bird keeper is able to provide the required comfort and environment.

Careful pair selection

The important thing about African gray parrot breeding includes the selection of a healthy pair for breeding purposes. Sometimes the birds that are kept together from their earliest days create a very strong bond and raising these birds is very easy. Those who buy a pair of birds in the market must be sure of the sex of both birds. Sometimes a wrong pairing leads to confusion and later it is revealed that the selected birds are male or female.

Bird caging

Birds are much happier in the wild when they are able to fly freely. In the cage, the birds often do not live with that charm or excitement. It is the responsibility of bird keepers to provide a very suitable cage for the birds. The cage should not be too confined that it does not allow flapping of wings and minor flight. It is a basic right of African gray birds to be able to stay in a cage that provides them with all their needs.

The location of the cage is also very important. A happy bird would be more likely to sing, interact, and reproduce. The cage should be placed in a location that provides sight, sunlight, and fresh air. Extreme climates should be avoided by keeping gray parrots warm or cold accordingly.

A healthy diet

Happy, healthy birds would reproduce faster. Diet plays an important role here. Therefore, African Grays must be given adequate food so that they are physically capable of reproducing in the best possible way. Commercially available mixed fruits, seeds, and parrot paddle are best for these birds.

Eggs and hatching

Once the female lays eggs, she lays on them for a period of approximately three weeks. This period is important because no one else should move or touch the eggs. Second, the bird must be provided with more comfort and food to support its physical health.

The eggs hatch after six to seven weeks and during this time, care is required to keep the cage temperature balanced. The newborn chicks could not withstand the low temperatures. It is good to give them heat.

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