How to sell e-books on Amazon and other digital platforms

It is better to know why to sell an ebook before knowing how to sell it. Since everything is getting online, why not sell and buy an item? Yes you’re right. Now we are in the next generation where selling an item is not that difficult compared to the old days when everything was sold manually by approaching a person or company or distributing it offline through different showrooms or stores.

Writing a book is hectic work and must be paid accordingly. Authors and publishers used to spend a lot to print, publish, and market their content. Sending books to different popular bookshelves and libraries so that their writings are sold out and they get the monetary return ASAP, however, it was not as easy as marketing and selling a book that no one was aware of through offline sellers was a tedious and tedious task. time consuming job.

Time passed and then something emerged that changed the entire cycle of the buying and selling process. Marketing and selling online was the technique that was adopted by many authors and publishers where they found themselves selling their e-books online on different platforms and charging for the same, directly through online transactions.

There is a lot to know about “how to sell an ebook on different platforms”, however we would be talking about the most popular platform at the moment and that is Amazon.

There are a series of steps that must be followed to obtain the desired result and they are the following:

Create an Amazon KDP account:

The start here is to create a Kindle Direct Publishing account on Amazon. The link that can be used to register:

Don’t worry if an e-book is not in Mobi / Kindle format, as after uploading the book, it will eventually be converted to the supported Kindle format.

Add books to the shelf:

The next step that needs to be done is to add an e-book to the bookshelf. On the left side of the panel, after logging in, you will see an option to “Add New Title”. Clicking on this option will take you to the page where you need to add the book details.

The fields are self explanatory, however there are options to help you fill in each field should it be necessary.

Enter your book details and leave the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) field blank in case you don’t have that information. Please also mention your name if you publish the e-book yourself.

Next, you need to choose the category you think your book should reside in and the keywords that can help readers find their desired content.

After all the above-mentioned steps are done, you need to upload your e-book cover image, which is just as important as the e-book itself because this is the image that will be displayed on the Amazon sale page and it will be a reflection of its content.

Uploading the EBook to the platform:

You can upload a Kindle or PDF / Word format e-book and let Amazon do your e-book conversion. If you let Amazon do the conversion, be sure to double-check the file for images or graphics, as online conversion may alter the format.

Confirm your pricing and royalty options:

You have to decide which royalty option you want to go for because the rest will be taken by Amazon.

There are 2 royalty options you can select from:



If you want to keep 70%, you must sell your book for between $ 2.99 and $ 9.99. If the price is outside of this range, you will only get 35% of the total sale price, so be careful and make sure you aim for the correct price so that the return to your pocket is greater.

Are you ready. Be a spectator, wait and watch. Let Amazon review your content and approve it. Once approved, the e-book will be published and the direct link will be shared with you.

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